Believe it or not, there are guys who have turned success at fuck buddy sites into a science. Seriously. They hook up day in, day out, all day, every day. They have turned it into a science.
Do you know what’s so awesome about science? You can turn anything, and I’m talking about any kind of human phenomenon or natural phenomenon, into some sort of equation. Once you are able to reduce whatever you can observe in the natural world into an equation, you have a tremendous amount of control over that situation.
I know it doesn’t seem like much because hey if you’ve ever been caught in a tropical storm, you don’t feel like you’re in control of the situation. You don’t feel like you’re the master of the universe. You’re wet, you’re miserable, you’re shaking in your boots, it’s crazy. But if you reduce a lot of the variables into an equation, you at least feel like you have some sort of control. You at least feel that there is some sort of predictability there. It is no longer as scary and intimidating as before. This then can start a chain reaction within you where you would start acting more confident and start producing actions and results that benefit you.
Now does this mean that https://fuckfriend.org is a slam dunk? Does this mean that you’ll achieve predictable results each and every time you try? Absolutely not. But it does lead to a profound sense of self-realization and a sense of control. Guys who are able to pull pussy out of fuck buddy sites like clockwork or like shooting fish in a barrel have figured this out.
Now, this doesn’t mean there’s some sort of magical formula or equation that they just plug in variables to. Instead, they know how to make opportunities happen. They know how to look at a particular situation and see opportunities when other guys are completely blind to them. That’s how you tell guys who succeed at the pussy game from guys who are basically just like the rest of humanity. These guys are taking shots in the dark, rolling the dice, and hoping for the best.
Well, a little bit of predictability goes a long way. And it really all boils down to your willingness to observe. That’s what these guys bring to the table. They observe and they try to make predictions, they try to come up with some sort of rule of thumb and they keep fine tuning their game and they’re succeeding. That’s how it works.
The good news is, if they can choose to do things that way, there’s really nothing stopping you from doing the same.