What a Pleasant Surprise
I’m a middle aged man so when I tell you that this happened when I was in the army, the year after completing high school, it was a long time ago. And how is that significant? Because when I phoned my friend on my first pass to arrange a visit and his mom answered, it was on a landline… cellphones didn’t exist yet.
She was hot af, I always had a crush on her and I think she knew because she seemed to enjoy flirting with me knowing that nothing will ever happen. I was just a teenager after all and she could get any man she wanted, and she did.
She said that he was out but would be back that afternoon and I should just come and surprise him, he’d enjoy that. When I arrived she pretty much opened the door for me like this. I almost came in my pants on the spot. Turns out my friend was away for the weekend on a Varsity thing…
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